Tiësto remixes Bloc Party’s “One More Chance”

Check out the video to hear Tiësto’s bass heavy rework of Bloc Party’s “One More Chance” first.

This hit single blends the haunting vocals of frontman Kele Okereke around twisting bass lines and a culmination of epic breaks and builds.

Having teamed with mega-producers like Boys Noize, MSTRKRFT, Armand Van Helden and Erol Alkan for floor-destroying remixes and eventual remix albums, as well as releasing their own high-BPM electro-pop single with Flux in 2007, spiky indie lads Bloc Party have developed a tidy little reputation for pushing the boundaries of their conventional indie rock sound. And now with their latest single, the boys are going further left field, hooking up with Tiesto and trying their hands at some classic piano house.

The band’s new track One More Chance bursts forth with a gleeful piano refrain that sounds like it’s straight out of a euphoric house track circa 1988. What seals the deal for us though is the choice of remixer for the tune, as the band have recruited the soon-to-be-touring Tiesto to lay down some extra beats. Tiesto’s mix stretches out the best parts of the original, but leads it into pure club territory with some typically uplifting breaks.

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