Tiesto hates glowsticks and wants to ban them

Okay, for those of you keeping score at home, Tiesto officially likes Sneaky Sound System, favourable reviews and long walks on the beach, but do you know what he hates above all else? Yep, glow sticks.

Clearly still bearing a vendetta against all sticks of the fluorescent variety, Tiesto has put his foot down on the issue, barring anyone from bringing a glow stick to his upcoming show at Liverpool’s Echo Arena in Britain.

According to Mixmag, the venue backed Tiesto’s distaste for glow sticks, banning them on the grounds that were any glow sticks to be dropped and crushed under foot at the Tiesto show, punters would be in danger of slipping and causing injuries. Damn those meddling kids!

The banning follows on from a similar incident two years ago when Tiesto put the kibosh on glow sticks during his Elements Of Life tour, saying with utter disdain “the scene needs to clean up, so skip those damn glow sticks”. He added “they look horrible, and they’re too rave-y” before shooing some trouble-making teens off his lawn with a broom.

Source: InTheMix.com.au

Author: admin

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