Flash Entertainment said Tiësto will be playing at the Flash Forum on Yas Island as part of his Kaleidoscope World Tour..
General tickets go on sale from Sunday December 19 at 9 am, but anyone who purchased a ticket for the cancelled October show will be able to buy a ticket for the rescheduled sow from 9am on Thursday December 16.
Flash said it and Tiësto’s management “have been working since October 1 to agree on a new date and ensure that thousands of disappointed fans got their chance to experience his record-breaking tour.”
The original cancellation, announced at 6pm on the night the concert was due to take place, was caused by an electrical problem on the stage that could not be resolved, John Lickrish, the managing director of Flash, said at the time.
december 9, 2010
december 31, 2012
hola tiesto love you alway greek music. not sure.
december 9, 2010
hi Tiesto