Riddim Ribbon: New iPhone game featuring Tiesto

Riddim Ribbon is a new music game from Tapulous, who has made a big business out of selling digital music and games together through the Tap Tap series. While the Tap Tap games are all about tapping your fingers on the screen, a percussive motion that is completely natural, in Riddim Ribbon you are forced to delicately balance your iPhone like you’re using a carpenter’s level on a rickety roller coaster.

You control a freewheeling neon tire as it zips over hills marked with a bright strip of light. You have to keep your wheel directly on the strip to keep the music going, or the soundtrack will immediately start to lose its pitch and tempo.

2 Tiesto songs are featured in this game now. Louder than a boom and ‘Escape Me’.

[zdvideo width=”637″ height=”405″]http://www.tiestoworld.nl/streaming/Promotie/2010/RiddimRibbonTiestosLouderThanBoom.flv[/zdvideo]

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