Today was the big day that Tiesto’s Facebook hit 7.000.000 fans! As a big appreciation for this he released the song Tiesto – Young Lions for free!! The young lions track was discovered first in a Blackberry commercial. So now it finally time to download the Tiesto – Young Lions track for free here!
Young Lions is a real old skool trance track, trance that was famous around the year 2000 and that so many people long to. Tiesto proves with this song that he still knows how to produce this kind of music. But the direction he has chosen now prevents him to make such tracks or mix this kind of albums. Maybe when the club/electro/indie period has past he returns to his roots (not the Tiesto hardcore productions) but the real quality trance.
maart 2, 2011
maart 2, 2011
Old Skool Trance!
mei 11, 2011
mei 31, 2011
muy buena rola retro
mei 31, 2011
cuando regresa tiesto a mexico………….
oktober 2, 2012
Esta genial!! siempre el mejor tiesto!! te amamos tiesto!! eres un grande!!! saludos desde honduras!! 😀
Y ESTA PADRE YOUNG LIONS, no dejo de escucharla!!! 😀